Saturday, January 10, 2009

Re-Carve & Re-Plant Time...

Spring may not be in the air any time soon but the snow melted here in Boise and I took advantage this evening to race down to the river and re-plant two boxes in Eagle. Tiny Treat Cupcakes was MIA for the second time and I am attempting fate with a third plant. Okay, we did stop and buy some cupcakes too! And the Little Ladybug was looking pretty sad with a missing antennae and a hiding hole that was becoming too small with each passing day. Also I noted that the old log book was smelling a bit funky! Today I re-carved the Little Lady Bug and placed it in a new container in the same tree but at the base instead of in the tiny hole. I had CurlyQ with me and we had a hard time getting the old box out of the small opening in the tree. This carving is brand new and does not look anything like the original Little Ladybug so I would encourage boxers who have visited in the past to visit again. Here are the links in case anyone is out and about any time soon.

Little Ladybug:

Tiny Treat Cupcakes

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