When I arrived home yesterday there was a box waiting for me on the counter. I had not ordered anything and was completely puzzled. Anthony said that he didn't order anything either. The box was from JanSport a company that manufactures top quality backpacks. I opened the box and low and behold there was a JanSport backpack inside. I checked the invoice and it showed that it was ordered and delivered to me with a zero amount listed in the order total column. I was really scratching my head over this. I spent the next hour completely at a loss. But I kept thinking that it really looked familiar. I knew I had seen it some where before. All of a sudden the light went on. I raced over to my bookshelf and the piles of magazines and pulled out every issue of Shape that I had. I recalled logging on one day to check out their music downloads for my MP3 Player. While I was on their site I must have entered one of their contests. Sure enough I found the exact backpack pictured on page 32 of the May 2009 issue of Shape. I was one of 5 winners of the JanSport Revolt Backpack (a $100 value). I guess real people really do win on-line contests. It was odd that there was no note in the box explaining why I had received it. When I looked at the page in the magazine I realized that they also had a drawing for a $2,000 trip to Cape Cod. Dang, winning that would have been so cool. But I am thrilled with my new backpack. I have been hoping to get a new one for Letterboxing and just like magic one showed up on my door step. SWEET!
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