Sunday, April 19, 2009

At The End of the Road

Ever wonder where a road leads? Anthony and I decided to find out tonight. I had two boxes ready to plant but was re-thinking the placement of them. It seemed like a fun idea to travel down a road that we were not sure where it would lead. Well, not only did we cross counties but we started on a paved road, then traveled to a dirt road, and on to a narrow and muddy dirt road with HUGE ruts. We were beginning to wonder if this road would end or if we should turn back as it was starting to get dark. We did stumble upon a great spot for a total mystery box but it was not the right spot for either of my boxes. We finally found our way to civilization (a real paved road again) after about 45 minutes winding through the foot hills of Idaho. I won't mention where we were or where we ended up. I can't divulge a future box location. That is if I can figure out exactly where we were. It was a road less traveled to be sure!

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