Saturday, April 4, 2009

Chocolate Covered Lover

Today Anthony, Alex and I headed downtown to The Chocolate Bar to drop off a new logbook for Chocolate Covered Lover: I received an e-mail from the shop owner that the logbook was almost full. I have to admit that this is one of my favorite older plants. The box was originally planted in May of 2005. How can you go wrong with Chocolate and Letterboxing in one stop? I am not sure who will visit this box next but I did leave behind a treat or two during my visit. They did let me know that the shop will be moving around the corner in July and will hopefully send me an e-mail to update the clues when it happens. It will be in the same block so finding the shop should not be too difficult even if they do not update me immediately.

While we were there I snapped a quick picture of Alex outside the shop to post with the clues. We picked out some chocolate before we left. It is always so hard to choose with so many tempting treats. When we were there it was the strangest thing. All of a sudden the little shop was packed with chocolate seeking customers. It was like a chocolate frenzy.

We headed over to the Piper Pub for lunch after our chocolate stop and Mr. Dally was less than cooperative about us taking a picture together. Every time Alex snapped one he would make a totally sad face. What a goofball! After lunch and sitting in the sun at Tully’s coffee shop we caught an afternoon movie at Edwards. It was a great afternoon!

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