Sunday, May 31, 2009

Old Idaho Penitentiary

Back out on the trail today. Anthony was such a great sport to suggest letterboxing after church. We had to wait for Alex to get home from a car wash at the church before we headed out. Alex decided to stay home so it was just the two of us. Anthony has lived in Boise for about 9 years now and had never been to visit the Old Idaho Penitentiary before. To be honest I have not been there myself in years and years. One of the two boxes we were looking for is located at the Penitentiary. The first box we were looking for “Old Fort Boise” planted May 15, 2007 by Ravenclaw is sadly missing in action. However, “Penance” at the Penitentiary is alive and well. It was also planted by Ravenclaw on May 6, 2007. Although the stamp is store bought finding a place to plant a box in the Penitentiary is difficult and Ravenclaw found a perfect spot for this plant. I think it would be a real challenge to try to plant a couple of boxes there. Not only are there a lot of visitors milling around but the area is pretty stark for good hiding spots. After our tour of the Pen we hit Happy Hour at Cool Hand Luke’s in Downtown Boise on Idaho Street and had refreshments and appetizers for dinner. I didn’t do any planting myself today but have quite a few in the works.

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