Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Stanley Bound on Sunday - Part One

Staircase Rapids

Gamblerman at Staircase
Lizman Finds the Box

LETTERBOXING ROAD TRIP!!! On Sunday we piled the kids and the Peiling’s into the Bronco and hit the road for sights and smells beyond Boise’s borders. With a scarcity of local boxes for me to discover the open road was my only chance for adventure.

Our first stop was in Banks, Idaho along the river. "Staircase" was hidden under a boulder back in 2005 by A-Bear. We have driven past this box about a million times either on our way to camp or on our motorcycles and just have never had time to stop. The rapids at this location are called Staircase by the locals. We have white water rafted these rapids quite a few times. The river is wicked high right now and it would not be a good float but later this summer Staircase could be calling our name. The carving did not disappoint and the weather was holding strong for our adventure.

Service Road 582

The Pei's of Adventure

Beautiful Picnic Spot

Our second boxing attempt took us past Lowman to Service Road 582 trying to match the clues to the road to find "Wapiti Tracks" planted by Wapiti Seekers in 2008.

Sometimes the road less traveled ends up being the road you just can't get to line up with the clues. Were we on the wrong road? Were the clues incorrect? Where in the heck was the meadow and the two year old burn area? Although we have not figured out the answers to these questions we did travel 14 miles each way on an absolutely beautiful dirt road and on the way back enjoyed our picnic at one of the camp sites. We lost quite a bit of time on this service road but the woods and water made up for the detour.

Furry Box Protectors

I found it!

Back on the road we didn't let the detour get the best of us and stopped along the Scenic Highway to nab Wanda and Pete's "Camping in Idaho" Box.

This was a quick stop at a campground and the box was hidden at the base of one of the larger boulders. There were some tiny boulder protectors that were mighty fierce but I battled my way to the treasure. I am not sure when this box was originally planted but it is safe and sound and in good condition. I was feeling my energy return after the long drive on the service road yielded no new finds. A find on the hunt always gets the LB blood pumping again.

Our next stop was actually in Stanley to hunt for quite a few of Cadenza's boxes that had been planted in 2003....the adventure to be continued....

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