Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Stanley Road Trip Plants - Three Hit & Run Boxes

Hit and Run: Shadows of the West - Idaho

Box # 1 – Bronco Bucking: Banks
Box # 2 – Cattle Roping: Historic Marker 435 – Route 21
Box # 3 – Sunset: Stanley
I managed to plant three of my Hit and Run Letterboxes during our day trip to Stanley the weekend before last. When I first planted some Hit and Run boxes in Colorado I received comments from other boxers asking if I had carved road kill. It was pretty comical. Not thinking about my early carvings maybe they were so bad that they resembled road kill. HA! HA!

My Hit and Run boxes are in small magnetic hide-a-key containers and are very quickly carved and planted. They do not contain logbooks because they are not waterproof. These boxes are almost always fast finds (five minutes or less).

The family had some pretty funny moments with me planting because just about every time we would stop for me to plant it was raining. I was told to “knock myself out” because no one else (Pei’s included) would get out of the car with me. Thank heavens these were fast plants because I got soaked. If you look closely at the pictures for Box # 2 and Box # 3 you can see the rain coming down. Naturally the shots were taken from the inside of the car while I was running around out in the rain like an insane person. It’s all for the love of planting!

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