Sunday, August 1, 2010

Time to Carve - The Rubber Was Flying in Star

Yesterday Capperpillar treated the Boise boxing community to a very informative and educational carving workshop. I have to admit although I have been carving for quite a few years Capperpillar has been the one to really help me improve with her tips and tricks. She has been a lifesaver both on and off the trail. A-Bear (a wonderful hostess) opened her home and whipped up taco's to keep our strength up while everyone pulled out their blades to try their hands at carving. Capperpillar was also so generous and brought supplies (carving rubber, blades and holders) for the new carvers. I also had my handle break and she even had one for me (plus a little PZ Kut). We are really looking forward to seeing the boxes that are created from our new carvers. I was amazed at how quickly they picked it up and how good their carvings were already looking. Now it's time to turn our eyes to fall as we are hoping to plan an October gathering.

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