Thursday, May 13, 2010

Goffee Grounds - Wrist Surgery - Mischievous Sprite

Monday wrist surgery for de Quervain's Tendonitis, Tuesday carve a new stamp, Wednesday create Sprite LTC's, Thursday live to tell the tale. Although my wrist is sore and I am icing it off and on all day I have been fortunate that it is my left wrist that is under repair as I am right hand dominant. I have had issues with it for over 6 months now so I am crossing the fingers on my good hand and toes hoping that the surgery is the magic that I needed.

I am working on a new box for Boise but naturally had to stir my creative juices and make a small batch of 10 LTC's before boxing the Sprite up. I started with blank cards and stained the background with fresh coffee grounds. Once I wiped them clean I hit each of them with my heat gun so they would dry faster. I distressed the edges and then added some little swirls to the back ground. Since Sprites are mischievous little spirits I picked paper that would give the Sprite a illusion of disappearing right before your eyes. Added a little glue and some glitter and they are done.

Looks like it's time to ice up again and then I will need to get my box together to plant this weekend. You never know where this little Sprite may be hiding waiting to be found.

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