Friday, January 23, 2015

A Glimmer of Hope on the Knitting Front

Jay and I are sporting my very first knitted project above. This is the cowl pattern I completely messed up a couple of weeks ago. On Jay it's not half bad! But never fear Knit Wits Yarn Shop is here! I spent three hours on the 10th casting off (finishing the ends of my mistake cowl), picking out new yarn, completing a gauge sample and then casting back on.

Two weeks later I am proud to report that there is very encouraging news on the knitting front lines.   By week one of the cowl re-knit project I had completed the first run through of the pattern (20 lines). The early success is that I am currently on count with each section and you can finally see the correct pattern emerging. Each day it is looking more and more like the picture. Very exciting!  I will be repeating this pattern twice more and then knitting lines 1-10 once more after that.

Because this yarn is thinner than the grey yarn I purchased two hanks of yarn which each had to be rolled into two separate balls.  A hank is basically a big loop of yarn. When you buy a hank of yarn, it’s usually twisted into a yarn pretzel for easier shipping. But when you unfold it, you’ll see that what you’ really have is a big loop or doughnut of yarn.  I have almost knit the entire first ball and I will need to go back to Knit Wits for assistance in how to transition from one ball to the next.  I learned there are no knots in knitting so I am hoping they will once again impart their knitting knowledge my direction.

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