Sunday, September 26, 2010

Plants Zero - Finds One

Planting new letterboxes can be a tricky task. There are so many components including the size of the box, how many boxes you have to plant, how many boxes are already in the area, how busy the area is, if you suspect the area has changed or will change in the near future etc.

I had one of those afternoons of high hopes that were dashed by many components and returned home with the box I had hoped to plant. Although I think the area I was in could use a box or two the box I had with me was way too large for this location. I was concerned that it might end up easily compromised by Muggles if not well hidden.

The Pei's and I did enjoy a lovely three mile stroll looking for the perfect hiding spot but I just was not feeling that the spot was on the trail that we were enjoying. Unfortunately because of my recent blisters I am forced at the moment to stay on level gound in my sneakers.

I did manage to sneak back out this evening to redeem my letterboxing day and I found "Fishing in Eagle" by RockTheNater. I was hunting for the second box they planted in the area and was overtaken by Muggles. I wandered off twice and more and more kept showing up in the exact spot I was trying to search. Good Golly I figured I better come back another time.

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