Sunday, November 21, 2010

Playing Secret Letterboxing Santa

Our very own Idaho grown wapiti seekers has enthusiastically embraced Letterboxing along with her kids who now love to carve. She found a Secret Santa Event on Atlas Quest but was too late to sign up. She didn't let that stop her and low and behold she started her own event and has 40+ Letterboxers signed up to participate. She just closed the event because it had grown to be so large. I offered my support when she decided to post the event and even I was shocked at the number of participants that wanted to play Secret Letterboxing Santa.

This is my first Letterboxing Secret Santa event. I didn't want to be a bad Santa so when I received my recipients information yesterday I quickly went on line to spy on them a little. I will admit that I found their profile a smig on the skimpy side so I decided to go with a holiday/winter themed stamp. This morning after church I found this adorable Mr. & Mrs. Snowman couple and just knew I had to carve them for my Secret Santa. I wanted to make sure I would have time to play with the image a little before sending it off to my Secret Santa. Are those LTC jungle bells I hear ringing? I thought it was kind of fun to test their stamp out and share it this evening since my Secret Santa will have no clue who they are until the snowmen show up on their doorstep (unless they melt on the way). We also need to send along our favorite recipe. I post a lot of my favorites on my crafting blog but it might be hard to decide which one is extra special.

And who is my Secret Santa? Wonder if you will but I will only give this clue. My Secret Santa does not live in Idaho. Ho! Ho! Ho!

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