Sunday, October 20, 2013

Faery Garden Overhaul

Pine Forest Garden with Mushroom Additions

Mushroom Garden with Gnomes and Ladybugs

Terrarium Gnome Garden
(Lid Removed for Pictures)

After the Magical Gateways in the Whispering Woods event Kelly (Pixie Dust Gal) surprised me with the gift of two of the amazing Faery Gardens she created and also returned to me my once empty terrarium that she designed an adorable gnome scape in.  What an amazing way to remember our Faery filled 2013 event.

Today Kelly and I finally had time to actually stamp the event boxes into our logbooks (a very daunting and time consuming task) as we separated stamps in preparation of returning them to their creators. 

Many natural embellishments were used in the original creation of the Magical Faery Gardens and we found that after several weeks my gardens were drooping and wilting.  Kelly came to the rescue with her hot glue gun, artificial greens and worked her magic once again to breathe new permanent life into the gardens so they are now ready for Faery inhabitants and will be able to stand the test of time.

I could not resist posting additional pictures of the gardens up close and personal so you can see the charm, imagination and creativity each contains.  With each Garden flourishing in it's own container they can be easily moved from location to location inside or outside as the seasons dictate.  And they have evolved from their original designs that were shared at the event as additional items were shifted from garden to garden and extra touches were added or removed.  Kelly is a gifted Faery Garden designer.

Kelly was worried that she may have added too much to each garden but I love the fact that each time you look at them you discover something new to capture your attention.  I am sure the Faeries will be delighted!          

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