Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Locks of Love Hair Donation

Locks of Love is a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children in the United States and Canada under age 21 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis. Recently I straightened my hair to measure it but this act was not because I was having a vanity moment. It was to see exactly how long my hair was. 
To donate to Locks of Love you need a minimum of 10 inches. With over 13 inches to spare Thursday was the official day of my donation. Without telling a single person I visited a new hairdresser and within minutes of sitting in the chair "chop" went my contribution to a child in need. 
My hair grows very fast and I will let some length grow back out (the natural curl really makes it pop up shorter than it actually is) but even with donating so much length I can still pull it back off of my face. I was concerned if I kept letting it grow eventually the ends would become damaged and I wanted the healthiest hair I could have for the donation. I hope my small gift will make a big difference in a child's life, self esteem and confidence one day.
Locks of Love:  http://locksoflove.org/

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