Sunday, October 16, 2011

Steampunk Planting Buckets

It’s not often (okay it has never happened before) that I find myself zooming around trails at Eagle Island State Park in Steampunk clothing and accessories with buckets in my hands. But yesterday Birds on a Wire and I both found ourselves (at different times) with less than an hour before the event started planting boxes that had arrived the evening before the event. We knew we had some arriving very late and Ginger came up with the clue idea of an Absent-Minded Inventor who had a bad habit of leaving buckets hanging around the outside of his house. Naturally over time the buckets would collect things. We challenged our Letterboxers to find the buckets and the treasures inside. I think what may have been most humorous about the planting I was doing is that I ran into two different muggles on the trail as I was planting the buckets. The buckets were a great way to plant quickly along the fences at the last minute and the metal worked well as it had more of a Steampunk feel than traditional lock n’ locks. With little foot traffic in the area where they were planted and a beautiful sunny day the buckets were in no danger of being taken or disturbed by muggles or bad weather.

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