Sunday, October 16, 2011

Steampunk Planting In the Lake

Just when you thought it was safe to attend a Letterboxing Event we decide to mix things up a bit and plant boxes “in” the lake instead of “around” the lake. Birds on a Wire recently purchased a used paddle boat and devised an ingenious plant to plant four Steampunk sea themed boxes on (in) the lake. Nothing says Victorian relaxing like a leisurely spin around the lake in a paddle boat. And what better activity to do on the lake then letterbox. It took a little ingenuity and testing but Ginger and her husband Phil worked out the kinks and created a totally unique boxing experience for the Steampunk Spectacular event. Naturally keeping the stamps dry was a big concern but eliminating the log books and using lock n’ locks solved that issue. They created floating disks and weighted them with bricks and string so they would not float away. The end result was smiles and Steampunk fun for everyone.

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